The Relationship Between Technology and Society
The Relationship Between Technology and Society
Technological progress is often associated with economic progress. Technological change is a general term that encompasses many things. Some examples include communication technologies, information technology, machine learning, computer sciences, digital imaging, energy efficiency, and many other technological fields. Technological change is also a broad term that can encompass many activities.
Technological progress is a combination of new products and services that enhance the quality of life. Technological systems are designed to perform more efficiently and to increase overall product or service performance. Technological systems are the sum total of any methods, skills, processes, and techniques used in the creation of products or services or in their successful achievement of specific goals, for instance scientific research. Technological systems may be localized or generalized.
Technological change affects the society as a whole. In fact, many people feel that technological progress negates the possibility of human interaction in a free society because of the extreme complexity of most technologies. This is not so, however. Technological systems and goods can be made so sophisticated that they allow individuals to interact and to cooperate very effectively. This is true even of the most complicated technological systems and goods.
As society becomes more complex, more products and services become available through technology. As a result of this increase in technology, a great amount of information about how to do things has accumulated. The result is a vast amount of knowledge about a wide variety of topics ranging from the construction of automobiles to the fine workings of the healthcare system.
A large portion of this information is not useful for consumers, but rather for those who control the means of distribution. Thus, while the general population learns about new goods and services, those at the top of the pyramid use the information for their own benefit by selling more goods and services in the form of techno-ops devices and software to the population at large. Thus tech is not only a force that affects everyone in society, but it is also a middleman that feeds at the public trough.
With the exception of terrorists, most normal people don’t really care much about techno, as long as it doesn’t affect them. However, with the widespread use of computers and other information technology paraphernalia, the average person’s opinion of tech is starting to change. As society enters into the twenty-first century, there will be a growing concern and desire for a more eco-friendly society. At the same time, the public will also be deeply interested in new inventions, innovations, breakthroughs, discoveries, and products. Consequently, the market for techno products will continue to expand. As such, tech will continue to play an important role in shaping the 21st century.
When we think of tech, we often envision individuals turning to their laptops or Pocket PCs to get their jobs done; accessing social networking sites like Facebook; playing online games; checking sports scores; downloading and sharing music and videos; and attending live events like concerts and trade shows. While some forms of tech are more accessible to the general public, others are more exclusive for a select group of society members. The Laptop is not widely available to the general public, while at the same time, college students are expected to bring one to class so they can complete assignments. Tech gadgets like the Blackberry and the iPhone are highly desirable to members of elite groups of society.
Another area in which tech has become important to society is in education. More teachers and school districts are becoming aware of how tech affects the way they teach. As more information is made available via digital means, more methods of communication are developed that promote reading and memory skills. In fact, many schools are installing computers in classrooms to facilitate the process. In addition, many schools are making it mandatory that students be proficient in using computers and a few are even requiring students to have access to a wireless network.